Mid-Atlantic Governors’ Agreement on Ocean Conservation
- Actions, Timelines, and Leadership to Advance the Mid-Atlantic Governors’ Agreement on Ocean Conservation (Aug 2009)
- Mid-Atlantic Governors’ Agreement on Ocean Conservation (June 2009)
- Mid-Atlantic Governors’ Ocean Summit (June 2009)
MARCO General
- MARCO 2023 Annual Report (August 2024)
- MARCO 2022 Annual Report (February 2023)
- MARCO 2021 Annual Report (April 2022)
- 2020 Annual Report (August 2021)
- MARCO Partnership Opportunities (May 2021)
- MARCO Fact Sheet (February 2014)
- MARCO News Archives (periodically updated)
- Recent MARCO Accomplishments (March 2013)
- MARCO Management Board Governing Principles (February 2013)
- MARCO Highlights: Moving in the Right Direction (Feb 2011)
- Mid-Atlantic Conservation: Building Partnerships to Take Action (Dec 2009)
Climate Change Adaptation
- New Perspectives on the Ocean Economy of the Mid-Atlantic States (December 2022)
- Climate Change Vulnerabilities in the Coastal Mid-Atlantic Region (May 2018)
- MACAN Fact Sheet (April 2018)
- Shifting Species Fact Sheet (April 2018)
- Mid-Atlantic Economic Vulnerability Fact Sheet (April 2018)
- Working Towards a Robust Monitoring Framework for Natural and Nature-Based Features in the Mid-Atlantic Using Citizen Science (July 2017)
- Improved Use and Understanding of NNBF in the Mid-Atlantic.pdf (March 2017)
- Developing Wetland Restoration Priorities for Climate Risk Reduction and Resilience (December 2016)
- Advancing Preparedness of Climate Change Impacts on Coastal Communities in the Mid-Atlantic (March 2016)
- Preparing for the Rising Tide: Adapting to Climate Change in the Mid-Atlantic – Workshop (Dec 2012)
- Climate Change and Sea Level Rise Information Exchange (Dec 2010)
- Presentation from Governors’ Summit: Sea Level Rise (June 2009)
Marine Habitats
- Deep-water Coral and Fish of U. S. Mid-Atlantic canyons: implications for management and conservation (January 2020)
- Meeting Report Submarine Canyons in the Mid-Atlantic: Connecting Science to Management (April 2016)Meeting Summary PDF | Meeting Presentations
- MARCO Statement on a Course of Action for the Conservation of Mid-Atlantic Submarine Canyons (September 2014)
- Presentation from Governors’ Summit: Habitat Protection (June 2009)
Renewable Energy
- A Guide to State Management of Offshore Wind Energy in the Mid-Atlantic Region (April 2013)
- Presentation from Governors’ Summit: Offshore Wind Power (June 2009)
Water Quality
- Joyful Sendoff balloon litter awareness campaign website (July 2019)
- Mid-Atlantic Joyful Send-off CBSM Campaign fact sheet (October 2018)
- Assessment of Marine Debris in the Mid-Atlantic (December 2016)
- Presentation from Governors’ Summit: Water Quality (June 2009)
Ocean Planning
- Mid-Atlantic Region Non-consumptive Recreation Workshop Summary and Non-consumptive Recreational Use Survey Results Overview (April 2018)
- ERA November 2017 Workshop Summary (November 2017)
- Changing Ocean Conditions Workshop Summary (November 2017)
- ERA May 2017 Workshop Summary and ERA Data Guide (May 2017)
- Exploring Species Range Shifts in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic: Existing Literature, Web Portals, and Data (April 2017) This is a working document. To submit recommendations for new or updated information, please email: MARINELIFE_DATA@DUKE.EDU and suggestions will be considered for future iterations of the document.
- Mid-Atlantic Regional Ocean Plan (November 2016)
- Mid-Atlantic Regional Ocean Plan Executive Summary (November 2016)
- ERA Workshop Summary Report (August 2016)
- Draft Mid-Atlantic Regional Ocean Action Plan (July 2016)
- Draft Mid-Atlantic Regional Ocean Action Plan – Executive Summary (July 2016)
- Report on Tribal Outreach Listening Sessions (June 2016)
- Report from the Mid-Atlantic Marine-Life Data Team (MDAT) Project (June 2016)
- Report from the Mid-Atlantic Regional Human Use Data Synthesis (HUDS) Project (February 2016)
- Mid-Atlantic Regional Ocean Assessment (January 2016)
- MARCO Forum on Ocean Assessment and Data Syntheses Products (January 2016)Forum Overview | Videos of Presentations
- MARCO Stakeholder Liaison Committee Meeting Summary (November 2015)
- MARCO Mid-Atlantic Ocean Planning Stakeholder Workshop (September 2015)
- Mid-Atlantic Ocean Planning: Materials from Webinar on Scopes and Methods for Information Synthesis (July 2015)
- Open Meeting Guidelines for MARCO’s Stakeholder Liaison Committee Meetings (November 2014)
- MARCO Stakeholder Liaison Committee Roster (December 2015)
- Summary of MARCO Tug and Barge Sector-Specific Meeting (September 2014)
- Summary of MARCO Submarine Cable Industry Sector-Specific Meeting (July 2014)
- MARCO Stakeholder Liaison Committee Inaugural Meeting Summary (March 2014)
- Mid-Atlantic Regional Ocean Planning Workshop (May 2013)Workshop Summary | Videos of Plenary Sessions
- Spatial Data Needs and Updates for Mid-Atlantic Ocean Planning (May 2012)
Grant Proposals and RFPs
- Grant Proposal: FY13 Regional Ocean Partnership Funding Program Focus Area 2 (June 2013)
- Grant Proposal: FY12 Regional Ocean Partnership Funding Program Focus Area 1 (April 2012)
- Grant Proposal: FY12 Regional Ocean Partnership Funding Program Focus Area 2 (April 2012)