Opportunities to Participate
MARCO is continually expanding its network of engaged Mid-Atlantic stakeholder groups. MARCO serves as a collective voice for the region by working with maritime industry, commercial and recreational fishing, energy, business, local government, recreation, academic and research institutions, environmental groups, non-governmental interests, and members of the public.
Overview of MARCO (Slide presentation with audio)
by Kisha Santiago-Martinez
Deputy Secretary of State for Development, Planning, and Community Infrastructure at N.Y. State Department of State, and MARCO Management Board Chair 2019 – 2021

Share Your Ideas and Opinions
Please contact us with your ideas and suggestions on how we can provide you with information about MARCO in a timely, clear, and efficient way. Let us know what aspects of MARCO’s work interest you, including our efforts in regional ocean planning, and how you would like to be involved.

Engage in Specific Opportunities for Action
As specific opportunities arise for participation in MARCO efforts, they are posted on this web page and in MARCO News, MARCO’s e-newsletter. Please check this page occasionally and sign up for the MARCO email list.
Stay Connected
Explore our website to learn about MARCO’s goals and activities.
Check out MARCO’s Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal, an online mapping tool and data library that provides easy access to a wide range of environmental, socioeconomic, infrastructure, and jurisdictional ocean information for viewing and downloading. Click the Feedback button on any page to tell us how we can further enhance the Portal.
Join MARCO’s email list to receive updates and announcements.