Partner Spotlight: Regional Wildlife Science Collaborative for Offshore Wind Energy
MARCO and the Northeast Regional Ocean Council (NROC) co-host the Regional Wildlife Science Collaborative for Offshore Wind (RWSC), which has recently launched a new website: Here, you can find information about the RWSC organizational structure, and its approach for developing an Integrated Science Plan for Wildlife, Habitat, and Offshore Wind Energy in the U.S. Atlantic (“Science Plan”). The RWSC is currently convening four subcommittees that are developing the Science Plan: marine mammals, birds and bats, sea turtles, and habitat & ecosystem. Subcommittees are composed of experts from the four sectors plus the research community, and meet about once a month. These meetings are open to the public, recorded, and posted to publicly available Subcommittee SharePoint sites. The new website makes it easy to find links to those SharePoint sites at You can also add any or all meetings to your calendar by going to
You can learn more about the RWSC structure and how your organization can get involved by viewing the webinar, What is the RWSC? Getting to know us better. You can also download the slides. Finally, to receive regular RWSC updates – about one email per month – please join the RWSC mailing list.
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